new product marketing strategies of food

new product marketing strategies of food


1. miscast brand

some of the things that are important in choosing the brand are:
1. Easier said
2. catchy
3. no means bad in other languages.

new product marketing strategies of food
of course we have to choose a brand that if combined with the slogan, meaning that could explain a product. If a brand has a clear meaning and good to say, then the brand is definitely easier to remember and can be stored in the minds of people in a longer time.

Sometimes the name is not enough, a brand must also be supported by a logo and slogan. Design a logo that is attractive, easy to remember, and is relevant to the brand. A good logo can speak the language of "visual", and the visuals will be more easily recorded in the brain of customers. Problem slogan, make as short as possible, and can explain what exactly the products offered. The slogan is a powerful set of words that can describe a brand with just one sentence.


2. Error segmentation

Probe errors in segmentation is not easy. The reason these cases are often not visible from the outside. People are more easy to detect errors in targeting. Segmentation and targeting are often considered "one package". Both are almost the same, but it made no difference. Segmentation is about how to map. So if any of segmentation, targeting will usually be wrong. But even if true segmentation, targetingnya not necessarily true.

Segmentation can be wrong because of the inability of marketers to identify market segments with good and clear. Segmentation can also be mistaken because the market has shifted, for example towards a lifestyle, but marketers still divide based on demographic factors. This can occur in fashion products.

3. Targeting Errors

Every consumer is certainly different. No consumers alike identical. This fact can not be denied. Ideally, every marketer is able to serve each customer personally. Unfortunately this is difficult to do. Unless willing to serve customers on a small scale or for B2B business.

However, when moving in concumer business, whose customers are many hard perform personal services. Because consumers are heterogeneous. Targeting easier for marketers to understand consumers more detail. One chose the target, one also other concepts.

4. Error positioning

Positioning determines the image of a new product that will be embedded in the minds of consumers. Embedded image which will determine whether a new product can be accepted or not by the market. Thus you certainly realize how important we need to create a true and proper positioning for a new product.

Of positioning also we will refer, when preparing all the promotional strategy, all messages to be conveyed to consumers. Promotional messages that are inconsistent with consumer positioning. Positioning the one who will determine consumers can have a kesa or image will your product as fancy or simple, ugly or nice, cool or unusual, high or low, and others. It is important to align the messages conveyed by the promotion of positioning that will be built in the minds of consumers.

5. One Pricing

The price of a product had to be reasonnable, but the price also reflects the perceived value that will be entered into the minds of consumers for a product. That is, do not specify the price is too expensive or too cheap. Mistakes are often made in pricing marketers are not willing to see through the eyes of the consumer. For example there are consumers in many layers in Indonesia-and also in many countries, who do not believe that good quality cheap products. Once the price is cheap once, lest they suspect it is not good.

Carried to its extreme, forget about the running cost pricing. Think of how much consumers are ready to pay, that is its price. But to reach that level, a new product must have a value. It can be constructed from various aspects, such as packaging, communications, and prestige. There are still many factors that could be considered in determining the price of a product, such as quality, perceived value, the scarcity factor of a product diusungna brand power, and the power of packaging.

6. Error Distribution

A new product is distributed are not well targeted, such as luxury products are distributed in a location surrounded by lower class segment, or vice versa. If the upper class should look for luxury products at the site of the lower class segment, we can be sure they will not find it.

For the elite, the image is very important. Access the location could be hunted if commensurate with the image of this circle. Perhaps a new product wants to be gold in the middle of the sand. However, consumers do not want that. Gold should be in the middle of the gold. Sand should be in place anyway.

7. One Momentum

When launching a new product or service, timing factors played a vital role. Certainly the business acumen needed to be able to know the right moment. Not always also more successful pioneers of followers, or vice versa. However, the business world is always tinged with uncertainty (uncertainty). In such conditions, not always be a follower would lose.

In the dot com business, these events experienced bookstore barner 'n Noble, which first appeared but then defeated by Amazon. Indomie then compared Supermi late entry, but it managed to control the mind share Indomie generation under the age of 30 years
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